lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

English Language Challenge p10

English 4 was the first exprience I had for learning this language at university. Using blogs I practiced a lot the written part and imagined very strange and funny situations. Neverthless, I would have liked to have more speaking practice sessions, I think this is the quickest and best way to learn language, at least to me.

I really need to improve my written english, in any time maybe I get a certification aside from what we get in this course. Despite that, I prefer to start with the speaking interaction, because I use that much more than the written way. Even if I think it more carefull, I comunicate a lot by text with a few friends that are english-speaking, maybe I do use a lot the written english part. Also, when I travel or even in Chile, knowing english let me meet so much more people than only if I were an speaking spanish person.

So I'm an enthusiasm student, I came almost every monday and have fun and laugh a lot with Camilo and Juan in a few spoken practice. I would have liked to take more advantage of that classes, answering the work guide with the all class or making some kind of roleplay! I think that would be fun, you can have fun and learn too. 

Despite that, Claudio was always a very nice teacher with us and have a lot of patience. I learned a lot in this couse and have fun with my old classmates and met some new people of facso. I hope you all have had fun too and we'll met each other in another time! Thanks for reading and happy end of semestre!

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

ch ch ch changes p9

Hello everyone, this time I have to talk about some changes I could make in my study program. First of all, I consider that the work load is excessive, considering that the quality of the education that they give us in the school is very bad, when you enter the university there are a lot of things to do, and worst of all, is that you do not know how to do them! I think that generates a lot of tension and frustration, so it would lessen the academic load that is in the first year.

With regard to the duration of the studies, I think I can't say much about it, but what I do think is that the practice should be much earlier, because when you arrive at the fourth year  many people had the feeling of not having an idea of ​​what exactly they know and what to do with that knoledge. I believe that advancing the practice or having a prior approach, for example at the beginning of the third year to what the psychologists in each area actually do, could help many to orientate themselves vocationally.

Now in the Uni they have built the aularios and thanks to that we have classes in bigger rooms, but the first years sometimes we didn't fit in the room because there were so many people (120 people per generation).

There are branches that would rightly take them out, but that would be very authoritarian on my part, besides, psychology is such an extensive area that I think there is room for the different knowledge that emerges in it, but I would try to relate them more to each other, through of interdisciplinary branches or inter areas of psychology.

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

Summer holiday planssss yeah yeah p8

It's so exciting to write about my summer holidays, because this summer I'm going to visit a place I've always wanted to go, wich is the north of Chile, and I'll do it with my dear and friend Nicolas.

I've always loved the north of Chile, specially the desert of Atacama. I have croosed it before when 
I went to Bolivia, in a bus, but in my dreams always imagine myself in the middle of the desert, looking to the big dome and the millions of stars hanging of it. 

The desert always makes me feel so small, fragile and mystic. And this time, I have the great oppotunitie of meeting it with my friend, hope we can visit San Pedro de Atacama, specially ride in a bycicle to the Moon's Valley. Later, get a relaxing bath in Puritama Termal Bath and drink copao sour, just for start.

Then, we can visit the Atacama Lagoons, a real oasis in the middle of the desert, part of the big Natural Reserve called Los Flamencos. Both of them (Miscanti and Miñique) are located at more than 4,000 meters above sea level, and they are fed by water sources that come from the surface of the earth, attract a large group of animals, like the abundance of flamingos 💖 (I love flamingos).

The visit to the Tatío geysers is obligated, there, early in the morning you can see steam fumaroles produced by the high temperatures of its watery crater, it's incredibleeeeee!

Currently I'm learing to climb, so I hove I can do that too, if it's no too much expensive. Maybe this week I win the Kino and I can invite all my english classmates and teacher to the journey ;) hope you guys do the same if you became rich one day.

La imagen puede contener: cielo, exterior y naturaleza
This is a picture and a paint maded by a classmate of psychology, you can find her in Facebook as Catalisa and buy her this beautiful postals <3 the is the best

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Post graduate studies ok no. p6

If I went back to study something (and if it is in a university) it would be something completely different: I would like to learn about nature. Learn about the native flora and fauna of our country so diverse. I would love to familiarize myself with the names of the different plants, birds, trees, flowers and animals that live and feel around me, with which I get on a daily basis when I walk to the subway, which exist on campus.

Picaflor de Juan Fernández

Once a lady told me: who doesn't know, don't see. And damn it, she was right.


How much wealth surrounds us and we don't know it. Did ever your school took you to know one of the many hills that surround Santiago? Do you know the name of the bird that you always hear singing? Or how long does it take to grow a tomato?

We live in a country prone to environmental disasters, and we know how to survive in nature? If school is supposed to prepare us for life, why do not we learn any of that in schools or even in the university?


Our ignorance of our surroundings makes us look, but we do not see. Maybe, if we knew which tree grows outside our house, how much it lives, its cycles, whether it bears fruit or not, we would have more respect and we would value more the place where we live. We would fight harder to take care of our few green spaces (especially in the sectors that do not belong to the eastern area of ​​Santiago) and we would have more respect for what grows around us.

I know that this is difficult to achieve in a society where everything comes ready to consume, in which it has been absurd to sell everything in multiple plastic bags, that we have no idea what we are feeding, but there are days in the I wake up and I have faith that this situation can improve.

Quirquincho peludo patagónico jjjjj
How? Through education of course, but beyond the typical poor recycling attempt, but creating gardens, involving children in research on climate change, educating about our hundreds of rivers, forests, volcanoes, flora, fauna! Ahhh, there is so much to learn! Well, it does not make sense to devote a couple of days to the environment if we see daily how companies destroy nature. The change has to be now!

Animal exótico desconocido y potencialmente peligroso

Here's a link so you can see the work of a friend in Bogotá, Colombia:

I went in the volá but I do not care anythinggggggggggggg

Hammocks 👌 p7

Today I am going to write about a subject that seems to me very important, transcendental and fundamental in the life of every human being who loves good sleep: hammocks 🙌.

If you've ever been lucky enough to run into one, you'll probably know what I'm talking about. I tried my first hammock a couple of years ago, in the south, near Temuco, a family made an artisanal way, and I was lucky to sleep a few naps in it, under the shade of big trees and the shelter of the gentle breeze in the afternoon.

However, my true experience with the hammocks was this summer. I was fortunate to travel for two months in a beautiful land, where sleeping in a hammock was more than a relaxing activity and dedicated to rest, as the hammocks were used to sleep. This beautiful land called Colombia, has diverse communities and towns in which the use of hammocks goes back to its indigenous peoples, who saw in the hammock a representation of the maternal womb. The position that the body adopts when resting in a hammock is similar to that of the fetus inside the uterus, hence for some communities it was a symbolic act to weave your own hammock.

Resultado de imagen para hamaca

Its use is very popular, especially in the regions closest to the Caribbean, because the proximity to the jungle was counterproductive with the use of a bed made on the floor, by the imminent danger to the attack of snakes and bugs. In addition, the hammock can be large enough to cover the entire person and create a kind of cocoon, which protects against flies and mosquitoes, carriers of various diseases. So when you go to visit a friend, they offer you some hammocks hooks, so you can hang up there your own hammock (the lightest and technological weigh less than 1 kilo), some lodgment has hammocks instead beds, and if you're a traveler (bag traveler) you can hang it up between two trees and you don't have to pay for lodgment jiji.

The first time I laid on one I had walked for several hours, and I woke up the next day with more than recovered sleep! So at the end of my trip I bought one and I brought it to Chile, and I installed it in my house, bringing with it all those good memories :) I love it.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

my future job p5

I imagine my laboral future not with a lot of certance, the truth is that I can't imagine something that I would like to do my whole life or during a long time. It's a little bit difficult to me. Maybe if I think it deeply, I can tell you some things that I imagine about what I would like to do with my "laboral" life. 

I would like to have a job that allows me to travel around the whole world, so I can be at any part of the world if I want it. Working online or maybe in some organization that requires my continuous movement from one place to another, would be a dream come true. I'm from a family of people that love to be traveling, in fact, one of my two sister it's currently living in Dortmund, Germany and she used to work in a hospital in Chile. Now she is a german and english student, and a year ago that idea would be the maddest thing we've ever imagine that would happen to one of us. 

About the salary, I guess I would be happy with enough to manteinence myself, be independent and get what I ever get to need. 

I'm not thinkg in taking a major now, because I had a lot of time studing in university and all I want is to get out soon, travel some time and maybe then, I'll make one. But anything could happen, never knows!

Resultado de imagen para hippie

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

❤ Environmental psychology ❤ p4

I'm not very excited to talk about my career. Not because I don't like it, but because I think the subject is too broad and difficult to pose in English, because there are many concepts that I don't know how they are written since the translation is not literal. So I'll talk about what recently called my attention, which is environmental psychology.

Resultado de imagen para cambio climatico

This area is relatively new in psychology, and has recently gained momentum due to climate change and the need to understand the mutual interaction between individuals and the environment, how they understand it and how they relate to it. Therefore, it is an area that takes knowledge of social psychology, as well as community psychology and other areas of interest, outside the field of psychology. And firmly supports an interdisciplinary approach to the problem, understanding that most of problems that afflict us as a society must be approached from all knowledge, and not only from some.

Resultado de imagen para psicologia comunitaria

Although in its beginnings it was oriented to study the environmental groups, today its investigations cover diverse thematic ones. For example, given the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change, how is it possible that in the United States someone who denies their existence is openly elected as president?, Why do people continue to deny the existence of this phenomenon (climatic change)?, Why individuals do not change their lifestyles to mitigate their effects? What motivates some people to care about the environment?, etc.

Resultado de imagen para santiago smog

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

Favourites movies p3

If I had to say what are my favorite types of movies, I would say that it is very difficult to answer. Because I love a lot of types of movies and maybe I've seen so many of them that I can't even remember one of them I like most. But, if there's a life or death question, I definitely would said that gangster's and science fiction's movies.

In first place, the gangster's movies have always been a fascination for me. Movies like The Goodfellas, The Godfather trilogy, Scarface, The Departed, Pulp Fiction, among others. In that films you can see the fight between two forces always in conflict, also some beautiful cars, fancy clothes, lots of guns, deaths, fights, pretty girls, etc. So, If you want to see one of them, you'll enjoy some good and fun stories of people living crazy lifes in the big cities, between guns and lots of money (not all that stories are related to that, but sometimes it's funny to me imagine myself how my life would be if I were born in a gangster family).

Resultado de imagen para the goodfellas
Resultado de imagen para the godfather

The science fiction is a gender that I also like so much. The different views about the future, the technology, and dystopias are my guilty pleasure. Guilty because in that movies you won't see a very positive thinking about the future, and they usually show that part of the society that we don't want to see. However, the directors find always a interesting way of meditate and debate about what we want about our life. You can see series like Black Mirror, or movies like Ghost in Shell, Akira, A Clockwork Orange, V for Vendetta, Metrópolis, etc.

Resultado de imagen para akira

To finish, the movies of Dogme 95 Manifesto are also my favorites, because it was a filmmaking movement that choose their own rules to make those films, based on the traditional values of story, acting, and theme. Also excluding the use of elaborate special effects or technology.


lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017

😍 si si Colombiaaa, si si Caribe 😍 p2

This past summer I was lucky enough to travel for two months, with a backpack, a friend and all the energy of the world.

I worked very hard and finally I went with all the savings that I gathered for a whole year, to live an adventure. I dreamed of the day I could travel for months, forget everything and everyone, and transform myself into a pseudo nomad of such beautiful lands.

People usually believe that Colombia is only the Caribbean, but it is much more than that. The Andes mountain range opens and gives way to three mountain ranges, so imagine the amount of micro climates that are generated!


We were able, along with many other things, to know the history of Colombia from the perspective of its own inhabitants. If you know a Colombian, you will know that depending on the city they are all different! The complexity of its geography prevents people from traveling often between cities, so each place has its own essence, and all are very different from each other. It can be a single country, but with cultures very very different from each other.

Peñol de Guatapé

 I had never met such nice people, that made me fall in love.

I learned that currently in Colombia there are hundreds of indigenous languages ​​that are in full use, that their indigenous people have territorial autonomy and that they are respected, that the violence exerted by drug trafficking was in some cases less than what the state power created provided them - supposedly - to fight it, that in Colombia you dance salsa, bachata, reggaetón, salsa choque, champeta, vallenato, ufffffff and many other styles! Pure local music! (just like here), that culture is lived in every corner, that in Medellin are more workers than anyone (there are coffe shops open at 4:30 in the morning).

Hammocks everywhere

It was the best trip so far because I disconnected everything, I learned to trust in people, to listen to my intuition, to cook bananas in many different ways,  to sleep in hammocks (for more information go to post 7). I met cities that were more than 450 years old, people of all colors, cities in which you seemed to be more in Africa than in America, I swam among coral reefs under the light of the moon and in the middle of fluorescent plankton.

País Vasco, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile y Colombia! in Baru Island

Finally, I learned that life is one, and that the moment is now. That in the end, we are not so different, and that life can be much more kind, if one is with a willing heart.

Thank you for so much beautiful Colombia 💓💛💙😍

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

A country I would like to visit p1

Hi everyone!

I was 17 the first time I travelled by myself. That year I had the opportunity of traveling to south of Chile. After that journey, I decided that every end of the year I would do the impossible to travel somewhere unknow, with my backpack and my tent, to live an adventure.

This year I have planned to go to Brasil, but no to the big cities, those you can see in the soap opera or the movies, but the amazonian Brasil. My dream is see with my own eyes what's left of the green lungs of the planet, come into the wild nature and be part of it, feeling it, living it.

In my journeys I always try to forget about the cellphones, stress, smog, noise and cement, and meet again with our essence, visiting places that invite you to find yourself, to explore life, meet cultures, foods, lenguages, believes different of those we're familiarity. The Amazonia, in it's heart, harbor some communities that lives in harmony with nature, they know it and respect it. And despite of the gobernments and projects that try to take them out, they're still being part of it. Just like the rivers, birds, snakes, wild cats or insects that live there, the're all part of something bigger, we all are. 

Resultado de imagen para navegar por el amazonas

Beside that, I'll love to sail trought the rivers, dance, feel the hot weather and meet nice people :) and you?

Resultado de imagen para navegar por el amazonas
jejeje <3