If you've ever been lucky enough to run into one, you'll probably know what I'm talking about. I tried my first hammock a couple of years ago, in the south, near Temuco, a family made an artisanal way, and I was lucky to sleep a few naps in it, under the shade of big trees and the shelter of the gentle breeze in the afternoon.
However, my true experience with the hammocks was this summer. I was fortunate to travel for two months in a beautiful land, where sleeping in a hammock was more than a relaxing activity and dedicated to rest, as the hammocks were used to sleep. This beautiful land called Colombia, has diverse communities and towns in which the use of hammocks goes back to its indigenous peoples, who saw in the hammock a representation of the maternal womb. The position that the body adopts when resting in a hammock is similar to that of the fetus inside the uterus, hence for some communities it was a symbolic act to weave your own hammock.
Its use is very popular, especially in the regions closest to the Caribbean, because the proximity to the jungle was counterproductive with the use of a bed made on the floor, by the imminent danger to the attack of snakes and bugs. In addition, the hammock can be large enough to cover the entire person and create a kind of cocoon, which protects against flies and mosquitoes, carriers of various diseases. So when you go to visit a friend, they offer you some hammocks hooks, so you can hang up there your own hammock (the lightest and technological weigh less than 1 kilo), some lodgment has hammocks instead beds, and if you're a traveler (bag traveler) you can hang it up between two trees and you don't have to pay for lodgment jiji.
The first time I laid on one I had walked for several hours, and I woke up the next day with more than recovered sleep! So at the end of my trip I bought one and I brought it to Chile, and I installed it in my house, bringing with it all those good memories :) I love it.
I laughed hard in my mind with that opening. I'm in serious need of a hammock in my life. I've made all the wrong choices I guess... :)
ResponderBorrarA hint of humor to start the day jejeje. That journey changed my life, starting for hammocks! If you ever get one you'll never be regretted. I slept like a baby <3