I imagine my laboral future not with a lot of certance, the truth is that I can't imagine something that I would like to do my whole life or during a long time. It's a little bit difficult to me. Maybe if I think it deeply, I can tell you some things that I imagine about what I would like to do with my "laboral" life.
I would like to have a job that allows me to travel around the whole world, so I can be at any part of the world if I want it. Working online or maybe in some organization that requires my continuous movement from one place to another, would be a dream come true. I'm from a family of people that love to be traveling, in fact, one of my two sister it's currently living in Dortmund, Germany and she used to work in a hospital in Chile. Now she is a german and english student, and a year ago that idea would be the maddest thing we've ever imagine that would happen to one of us.
About the salary, I guess I would be happy with enough to manteinence myself, be independent and get what I ever get to need.
I'm not thinkg in taking a major now, because I had a lot of time studing in university and all I want is to get out soon, travel some time and maybe then, I'll make one. But anything could happen, never knows!

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