Chinchilla |
Picaflor de Juan Fernández |
Once a lady told me: who doesn't know, don't see. And damn it, she was right.
Chiricoca |
How much wealth surrounds us and we don't know it. Did ever your school took you to know one of the many hills that surround Santiago? Do you know the name of the bird that you always hear singing? Or how long does it take to grow a tomato?
We live in a country prone to environmental disasters, and we know how to survive in nature? If school is supposed to prepare us for life, why do not we learn any of that in schools or even in the university?
Guiña |
Our ignorance of our surroundings makes us look, but we do not see. Maybe, if we knew which tree grows outside our house, how much it lives, its cycles, whether it bears fruit or not, we would have more respect and we would value more the place where we live. We would fight harder to take care of our few green spaces (especially in the sectors that do not belong to the eastern area of Santiago) and we would have more respect for what grows around us.
I know that this is difficult to achieve in a society where everything comes ready to consume, in which it has been absurd to sell everything in multiple plastic bags, that we have no idea what we are feeding, but there are days in the I wake up and I have faith that this situation can improve.
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Quirquincho peludo patagónico jjjjj |
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Animal exótico desconocido y potencialmente peligroso |
Here's a link so you can see the work of a friend in Bogotá, Colombia:
I went in the volá but I do not care anythinggggggggggggg
I think I found my favorite post in all the Internet. I actually laughed out loud. I share your view on knowledge and ignorance, studying something that actually matters and oh, that last picture gave me life.
ResponderBorrarIt's always good learn about different things, just study one, it would be boring, so if you enjoy it, it's fine !