Hello everyone, this time I have to talk about some changes I could make in my study program. First of all, I consider that the work load is excessive, considering that the quality of the education that they give us in the school is very bad, when you enter the university there are a lot of things to do, and worst of all, is that you do not know how to do them! I think that generates a lot of tension and frustration, so it would lessen the academic load that is in the first year.
With regard to the duration of the studies, I think I can't say much about it, but what I do think is that the practice should be much earlier, because when you arrive at the fourth year many people had the feeling of not having an idea of what exactly they know and what to do with that knoledge. I believe that advancing the practice or having a prior approach, for example at the beginning of the third year to what the psychologists in each area actually do, could help many to orientate themselves vocationally.
Now in the Uni they have built the aularios and thanks to that we have classes in bigger rooms, but the first years sometimes we didn't fit in the room because there were so many people (120 people per generation).
There are branches that would rightly take them out, but that would be very authoritarian on my part, besides, psychology is such an extensive area that I think there is room for the different knowledge that emerges in it, but I would try to relate them more to each other, through of interdisciplinary branches or inter areas of psychology.

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